How To Test Trailer Plug With Test Light. To avoid embarrassing situations and to maintain safety, you shouldn't wait till your trailer light is entirely damaged before you perform tests on them and figure out why they don't respond or why they How to test a trailer plug with the multimeter? Plug in the tester to the socket.
You've connected the trailer to the vehicle, but the turn signals and brake lights don't work.
For your service truck, there is the Express Mobile Air and Electrical Tester.
It's important that your trailer lights are in proper working condition so that other drivers will see you signal and brake. A test light, sometimes called a test lamp or voltage tester, is a simple but extremely useful electronic tool to check your car's circuits—that is, the presence or absence of electricity to a certain It's simple to use a test light to test a positive circuit for voltage. You don't know if the wiring is bad or you have bad bulbs.