Pj Trailer Manufacturing Trailer Wiring Diagram. This is a short video series of the steps that I have taken to refurbish and old Utility Trailer that was designed and built by my father. CommercialTruckTrader.com always has the largest selection of New Or Used Commercial Trucks for sale anywhere.
Wiring up a truck for trailer towing isn't as hard as it looks; many new trucks come prewired from the factory, and there are kits that make the operation plug and play.
This is a short video series of the steps that I have taken to refurbish and old Utility Trailer that was designed and built by my father.
We are excited to partner with NATM (National Association of Trailer Manufacturers) to help improve road safety through education on safe trailering practices! This page has wire diagrams for many electric options including wires for trailer lights, brakes, alt power and connectors. Narrow down your search by make, model, or category.